Thursday, 24 September 2015

Preliminary Task : Creating A Storyboard From Intel Ideas

In our lesson today we had created a storyboard by folding an A3 piece in to 12 squares and then we would take our preliminary task as raw footage and then cut it into 12 shots.

The 12 shot challenge was used to develop our knowledge to organise our task into an order.

Today we have learned how to turn raw footage into a formal order of shots and how to breakdown lots of footage, I also learned how to manage lots of footage in to less shots. The last thing we learned is how to organise a storyboard which will help us plan our music video later this year.

Story Board Challenge from Sam Merrison 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Can you explain to me in greater detail how you think going through the process of storyboarding will help to ensure a better end product than just trying to go out and film your raw footage?

    What, in particular, does creating a storyboard such as this force you to think about?

    1. Using a storyboard helps you keep on track and go through the process of filming without any mistakes because you know what order the scenes go in. This makes the end product look more professional as there is no slip ups as you know what camera angles and movements you will be using. Using a storyboard forces you to think about what the end product and each scene individually will look like therefore creating the image in your head what the scenes you are creating will look like.
