Thursday, 15 October 2015

Research: The History Of Horror Films

1920's And 1930's
The 20's and 30's were the first decades to really show films with the meaning to scare its audience. Generally the 20's and 30's saw remakes of the classic stories, for example Bram stoker Dracula.

Films in the 1920's and 1930's:
Bride of Frankenstein 
The Mummy

The 1940s unfortunately saw a steep decline in the horror movie industries, mainly due to the fact that World War II was taking place at the time. However the 40's did see a few classic horror films including:
Wolf Man 
Cat People 
House of Dracula

With the war finishing, people retuned to luxuries in life such as using a cinema, however rather than returning to classic gothic horror scene they brought in features gross including:
The Wasp Woman
The Beast from 20,000 fathoms
It came from Beneath the sea
The 60's brought about a new aspect to horror films, it was in the 60s when the word "thriller" was first properly spoken of. This mainly came from Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho". Other movies made in 1960's includes:
The Birds
Blood Feast
Night Of The Living Dead
The 1970's saw a surge in horror movies. Many people think it is because the movies were made to reflect the time. The 70s was seen as a depressing decade, but this is compared to the 60s as it produced many films. Some of the horrors included:

The 80s brought many new aspects to horror, such as the technology as it was able to bring better costumes and better graphics to produce better films. The films included:
The fly
The thing
The shining

The new craze that had swept across horror movies was psychopaths. Films would follow brutal murders of ordinary humans. films across the 90s included:
Sixth Sense

The early 2000s were quiet for the genre and mainly consisted of remakes of classic horror. Zombie films made a return. Torture films became very popular because of its amount of gore involved, films making appearances included
Resedent Evil
Shaun of the Dead

Introduction To Main Task

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Preliminary Task Evaluation

We created a short film. This sort film consisted of four lines of diologue between two people, this films consists of 12 diffrent shots. We included shot-reverse-shot into our film by implying the 180 degree rule. We were also asked to include match on action.
We created a 12 shot plan, basically showing us exactly how each shot was going to be applied. we then put each shot on its own A4 piece of papper to show clearly how we want to shot to look like, this then made it so much easier for the making of the film. We also created a timetable of when we will be filming, we thought this would make the timing eager as we will know exactly when we will be filming. We also used location planning ensuring where we was going to film as well as Casting ensuring we knew who was going to act in the film.

The filming process itslelf was quite straight forward as we already had the planning infant of us. Filming on an iPad proved easy as we could keep retaking parts of film over and over until we got it right quickly and easily. Filming the dialogue became quite of a struggle as one of the characters kept forgetting the lines. However we got the filming done quickly and efficiently. We struggled trying to do the point of view angle opposing the door as the camera kept wobbling and we couldn't get a good shot, however in the end we succeeded and everything went to plan.
When editing the film i applied everything i learnt in previous lessons, for example i learnt how to cut  out parts of film that was not needed. This meant that my film flowed better and therfore looks more professional. I applied music to the start of my short film to make it more enjoyable to watch. I applied music by importing it from iTunes after downloading it from YouTube using Video Grabby. I also used a fade in at the start of the film to draw in the audience as well as using a fade to black at the end the film.
I feel like my Preliminary Task meets the expectations of the set brief because we used the 180 degree rule and used match on action shots. I think that the dialogue is the part of the film that is particularly strong. The part that was week in my opinion is the part where Dwayne is just about to walk through the door as he comes in fast to open the door however the opening is very slow. The things i need to change in the Main Task is making sure the movement is the same speed ensuring there is no mistakes. 

Friday, 9 October 2015

Preliminary Task : Filming Schedule

Cast Involved
Props/ Mise-En Scene
Equipment Needed
Health And Safety Considerations
Sam Merrison
Outside the school building (Main Entrance)
Paper explaining the sixth form requirements.
Lewis Molloy
Upstairs corridor (Sixth Form Block)
Smart/Casual Clothing

Monday, 5 October 2015

Learning To Edit With Adobe Premiere Pro

In the last two lessons of Media Studies i have learned how the following:

  • I have learned how to create a new project on Premier Pro
  • I have learned how to import clips and audio in the Premier Pro and not to move the files after adding them to it
  • I have learned how to navigate through video by using the left and right keypad and by scrubbing
  • I have learned how to move a clip into my timeline, with or without it's audio
  • I have learned how to trim with the razor tool for precise cuts between shots
  • I have learned how to play the video in full screen to see any errors clearly, or for video viewing purposes
  • I have learned how to add video transitions and effects to my project
  • I have learned how to decrease the volume (decibels) on a video
  • I have learned how render a video so it is ready for exporting
  • I have learned how to export my project to my desktop

Here is my test of using Premier Pro by making a short film from clips about a knock knock joke: