Thursday, 15 October 2015

Research: The History Of Horror Films

1920's And 1930's
The 20's and 30's were the first decades to really show films with the meaning to scare its audience. Generally the 20's and 30's saw remakes of the classic stories, for example Bram stoker Dracula.

Films in the 1920's and 1930's:
Bride of Frankenstein 
The Mummy

The 1940s unfortunately saw a steep decline in the horror movie industries, mainly due to the fact that World War II was taking place at the time. However the 40's did see a few classic horror films including:
Wolf Man 
Cat People 
House of Dracula

With the war finishing, people retuned to luxuries in life such as using a cinema, however rather than returning to classic gothic horror scene they brought in features gross including:
The Wasp Woman
The Beast from 20,000 fathoms
It came from Beneath the sea
The 60's brought about a new aspect to horror films, it was in the 60s when the word "thriller" was first properly spoken of. This mainly came from Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho". Other movies made in 1960's includes:
The Birds
Blood Feast
Night Of The Living Dead
The 1970's saw a surge in horror movies. Many people think it is because the movies were made to reflect the time. The 70s was seen as a depressing decade, but this is compared to the 60s as it produced many films. Some of the horrors included:

The 80s brought many new aspects to horror, such as the technology as it was able to bring better costumes and better graphics to produce better films. The films included:
The fly
The thing
The shining

The new craze that had swept across horror movies was psychopaths. Films would follow brutal murders of ordinary humans. films across the 90s included:
Sixth Sense

The early 2000s were quiet for the genre and mainly consisted of remakes of classic horror. Zombie films made a return. Torture films became very popular because of its amount of gore involved, films making appearances included
Resedent Evil
Shaun of the Dead

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