Thursday, 12 November 2015

Research: The Importance Of Opening Titles

Before considering what our opening titles would include and how it would be displayed in our short film, we felt it was necessary to do some extensive research on it . Doing this would allow us to understand how certain features of the titles will affect the overall outcome and atmosphere given to audience. When we acquire this knowledge it will tell give us a good idea of what to add to give a scary and horror like opening title.

When researching the importance of opening titles I first went onto the website then i looked at opening titles of several movies to get an idea of how they are presented and in which order they show the names of the people that were involved in the making of the film. This would give us an idea of what common opening titles are like which would help us to know what names should go first, how long, what font, colour and what size to make it.

This is the clip i watched to carry out all of the task i was set to do.

I watched the film opening Se7en and noted all the times and the text that came up all the way through the opening. I also used the same text style that the title had so i knew exactly how it came up.

I carried out this task by watching the opening credits of Se7en and looked specifically at the font style, size, colour etc on the screen. I made notes on this and looked at when it was happening and put it in order of what came first, for example the most recent at the top of the page.

I carried out this task by looking at the opening of se7en and specifically looking at the visual elements meaning picking out the images that had an effect on the viewer. For example i looked at what would have the most effect on the viewer and what created the atmosphere.

I carried out this task by listening to the opening of Se7en and zooming in on the sound. I included the most effective sound as well as the background sound as this makes the viewer feel tension as it is being created. I also carried out this task by what emotions the opening made me feel whilst listening/ watching it. diegetic and non-diegetic sound was both used.

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