Monday, 9 November 2015

Analyse the codes and conventions of horror films as shown in the openings of 'Dead Wood' 'Dead Mary' and Wrong Turn'

In the film the Wrong Turn codes are effectively used. Codes are system of signs which create different meanings. codes can and are usually divided in two categories which are technical and symbolic. Technical codes are all the different ways in which the equipment is used to tell the story in the media text. Such as; The camera work when filming, for example the uses of different camera angles such as the way the angles change quickly to create effect. Also  the editing process and the use of sound (dietetic and non-dietetic). For example in the film opening of Wrong Turn the use sound is eye opening as the beat draws you into the scene.
 Symbolic codes show what is beneath the surface of what we see. These are usually shown through mise-en-scene. The characters actions when filming sows you how the character is feeling inn that scene. For example the use of the location and the establishing shots right at the start the opening. Also the use of make up.

Also in the film  opening of  Wrong Turn conventions are also effectively used. Conventions are things that are common in certain based on what their genre it is in. For example in horror films some conventions are where two characters are in the middle of nowhere and can't escape or get help when in danger and also when a character is being chased in a house they run past the door that is unlocked and go upstairs where they are trapped, or someone trips over when they are being chased and get killed. However in the opening of Wrong turn one person is running away and is a male character and he runs to a dead end, this creates a feel that the actor is trapped and that he has no possible way of getting out of the way of the situation he is in.

In the film opening of Dead Mary codes are effectively used. Codes are of signs, which therefore creates meaning. Codes can be divided into two categories for example technical and symbolic. Technical codes are all the ways in which equipment is used to tell the story in a media text, for example the camera work in a film, the editing or the use of sound (dietetic and non-dietetic).  Symbolic codes show what is beneath the surface of what we see. Symbolic codes are usually seen through aspects of miss-en-scene. For example, how a character's actions show you how the character is feeling. For example in when the girl snaps the phone of the side of the car to create tension and she looks at her phone with angry. This is a code for her to come across as angry however in the build up to that moment she looks relaxed but the music is tense to create the feel of danger.

In the film opening of Dead Mary conventions are effectively used. Conventions are things that are commonly used in films that give the  film that specific genre. For example in horror films some conventions are that the characters are in the middle of nowhere and can't get help when he/she is in danger. For example Kim and Matt are in the middle of no ware and Matt needs to fill up the car. this creates the conventions that Matt and Kim are helpless with no helping hands anywhere. Another example is when someone is being chased in a building and they run past the door that is unlocked and then go upstairs where they are trapped instead. Although non of these most typical conventions happen in the opening, they are however trapped in in the countryside no where miles away from anyone. If this is not made clear to you Matt does state it. Also there is a the make up, the characters look clean, creating the feel that they are okay but, we know at any moment with the music playing in the background.

In the film opening of  Dead wood, the use of codes is effectively used. Codes are system of signs which create different meanings. codes can and are usually divided in two categories which are technical and symbolic. Technical codes are all the different ways in which the equipment is used to tell the story in the media text. Such as; The camera work when filming, The editing process and the use of sound such as the really disturbing music at the start which creates the feel that their is danger there. (diegetic and non-diegetic). Symbolic codes show what is beneath the surface of what we see, which links back to the music making the feel that their is danger. These are usually shown through mise-en-scene. The characters actions when filming shows you how the character is feeling in that scene. For example the facial expression that the girl has when she sees the man get pushed of the cliff and also how scared she is when she is running away.

In all 3 film openings they are in the middle of nowhere and can't escape for example in Wrong Turn  they are on a cliff miles away from anyone and it is actually stated in the opening just in case you didn't pick it up. When in danger and also when a character is being chased. For example in the opening just before the male character gets to the top of the cliff and killed, meanwhile it is pretty obvious that their is no one around to help. and also when the woman manages to miraculously fall from a great height and have no major injuries and very few minor, to mange to run through a forest. 

With all 3 of these films all of the characters are within there early-mid twenties and which can be presented in a number of different ways for example it could be showing that no matter what physical condition u will not escape, and the youthful getting into more danger than people of other ages or even innocents to the young and the become easy victims. Also all of the women seem to be weaker than the males and show a lot of flesh to show that they are very exposed to a threat and would not have much to protect them. They also use the camera to show how isolated they are by using establishing shots to show the vast forest that they are in, this is shown in all 3 of the movies letting us know that no matter how far away they are from calling for help when the need it. This is shown exceptionally by the male figure shouting "What are you screaming for" when the women falls and scares herself.




  1. I think for my first try my level would be a mid level 1 ranging to a very low level 2 as i have shown minimal to basic understanding of the task however tried my best of my understanding of the task to complete the essay.

  2. You are a bit harsh on yourself in relation to this being Level 1 but you are right to assess it as being BASIC and, therefore, Level 2. I would award marks of 8+8+4 giving you 20/50.

    In order to improve you need to follow a more fully developed PEE structure in an essay. You make general points but don't use examples that are specific or focussed enough to act as evidence for these.

    I would also like you to edit the essay and highlight your use of terminology in relation to use of the camera, use of sound, use of mise-en-scene and use of editing in separate colours.

    What observations can you make after completing this task?

    Does it help in any way to show an imbalance that may need to be addressed in the future?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have done this know and by doing this I have realised I need to explain my point and use more detail in my essay as I can get of track. I also need to use more technical codes such as editing, sound, camera shots and angles.
