Thursday, 17 March 2016

Construction: Evidence of Filming Taking Place (Last Recording)

Just as last time, we took photographs of our procedure of when we where recording our horror opening. We understand it would be compulsory for us to show our evidence of our recording stage to be clear that we were the ones that recorded the opening.

The following pictures below shows every shot we took, containing roughly all the scenes and the things like the director explaining each sentence of dialogue to the cast (as well as showing them where to be), a part of our group gathering the footage for our establishing shot and  the camera man recording the scenes while a member of our group gives him advice and tips on what to do to ensure the shot was correct.

This first 2 images illustrates 3 members of our group gathering the first shot for our opening which will be a panning shot of the front school building, in this time we took several difference method of our establishing shot such as panning down and panning left to right, we also took this time to set up the tripod to make it level and adjust focus for the shot. The footage we recored was purposely in a different time period to our main opening because we wanted the day to specifically look natural and not dull, we understood that this would not affect versilimutude as we will use a transition from the building to inside the school.

This image shows 2 members of our group discussing how the shot will be taken and what the characters had to do the get the scene right

This image shows 2 member carefully watching the scene take place to see if everything is in shot and going as planned

This image shows us looking at our actor taking out his phone to check the time and seeing if there any fidgeting with his elbow hitting the tripod by mistake and if the phone was in focus and could clearly see the time

This image shows the camera man getting ready to focus and getting a clear close up and another member reading the shot list to tell our actor exactly what to do. This also contains and video of Marvin explain how his facial expression should be throughout the scene as he struggled to understand


This image shows the camera man again getting a close up of Kai's face while another person turns the lights on and off for the illusion that it is flickering.

This image shows the camera man extending the tripod for the one of the last scene being a long shot as well another member assuring that Kai understands what he has to do.

This image shows 3 members of our group helping out in the scene, 2 checking the camera and another carefully explain one of Kai's hardest roles .

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