Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Construction: Evidence of Reflection (Second Recording)

After we understood all the mistakes made in our first attempt of recording our opening, we made the several changes required to make our opening better. These changes included assigning roles to each member of our group. Such as choosing Sam and Pirooz to be in charge of sorting out props and scenes, and Marvin to be the director. While Lewis was responsible for recording the footage. 

The people we gathered where 2 girls and 1 boy to be the main character (Kai). We were unsuccessful getting a fourth character to record but this was not an issue as the script was easily altered, if it were two people, it would make our script and shot list confusing.

After seeing how bad the quality and stable our first recording was we decided to improve our equipment and get a DSLR camera to record with. Alongside our improved camera we decided a tripod was essential as our shots were very shaky and didn't seem like a professional recording.

We also considered changing our location to another room, but had no choice as we wanted the lockers and door to class to be within range to make editing seamless. We also added more crops such as books, bags and stationary equipment, this was because we wanted to make it look more realistic.

After recording for our second time we made a rough edit to spot any mistakes along the way, the following list shows all the faults we found in our second attempt:

  • The camera was slightly tilted as it was not level on the tripod.
  • The focus was off on the majority of the shots.
  • The lighting in the classroom was too bright and did not contribute to our theme.
  • Actors were not fully focused or prepared for the tasks needed in our scenes.
  • Some scenes had characters looking into our camera during our scenes to make it seem that it looks like it was staged.
  • The main character was confused when he was explained what he had to do making some scenes taking longer than they needed too.
  • The battery was not fully charged before recording which lead us to having to recharge it during the middle of production.
  • The time was limited this reduced the duration we had to record all our shots, this lead us to having to record another day which would not of worked as the characters could be wearing different clothes and maybe had a haircut, this would not have made sense in our footage.
  • Our main character still did not look scared and occasionally grinned therefore they did not meet the role of our character.
After our second attempt of recording we still thought that it was not good enough, mainly because the camera was tilted and our main character was not a very good actor. Even if we decided to keep the footage and record again next time they would have to wear the same clothes, this would be difficult so we decided that recording for the third time was needed.

We learned from all the previous mistakes so that we were prepares and ready for the recording when we got there. After another week we were all ready and  went on to record for our third time.

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