Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Planning : From Initial Ideas To A 60 Second Pitch

This is all of our classes 60 second pitches.

To carry out our 60 second pitch we created a mind map of all the ideas we could come up with for a horror film and we jotted down all these ideas on a mind map to ensure we wouldn't forget any of them and also so we could look back on them as seen in the picture below. This includes character names, place of the film and where the main location is, time of day, setting the plot etc. This helped us come up with our final decision witch was a group of mates going into their school after hours and looking in the secret room they had discovered earlier in the day. We had approximately two days to complete the task witch was the equivalent of about 2-3 lessons.
Once we had decided what our film was going to be about we then had to plan the scrips for our 60 second pitch which can be found at the time 0:50 and finishes at the point 1:37 on the video above. We constantly rehearsed our pitch until we was happy that we was going to do it in one take without any mistakes. We all had a couple of sentences each and we allocated witch part of the script suited each member in our group the best. 

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