Thursday, 3 December 2015

Planning: Self Assessment

Looking through my blog at the Planning and Researching posts, I feel like I have shown a lot of detail in each individual post. Each post has evidence of explaining what I have researched and planned thoroughly with a variety of different media terms. I have looked into other opening to horror films like Dead Wood, Dead Mary and Wrong Turn to gather and collect more information and knowledge on openings to horror films. Looking at these openings has also widened my knowledge on codes and conventions. This will help me to implement lots of codes and conventions into our own opening. 

I feel that I have shown good skills of using different digital technology. This is because I have used photos, videos and different presentation software to present my work. For example, using premier pro for my practise with the eagle and emaze for my history of horror films. I could use different types of presentation sites to present my work in future to show that I am able to use different types of digital technology.  

My time management is very good in my opinion as I always meet my deadlines and follow any type of schedule we have. for example, our filming schedule was followed very well as we gave ourselves 2 hours to get the filming done and got it done with ease and time to spare.

I feel Like their is excellent origination skills within my group as we pitched our 60 second pitch very well. Also communication is good as we all put ideas forward when coming to planning.

I feel like i have excellent care in presentation within my blog as all my posts are tidy and neat looking. All my work has the correct grammar as i check through my blog for any mistakes  Another reason i take care in presentation in my blog is that all my pictures are in neat order and all my posts are in the correct places.

At the moment I would give myself around 13/16 marks as I still have things that I can improve on but I have quite a good understanding and knowledge of how everything works in Media.

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