Monday, 7 December 2015

Planning - Casting For Your Opening

Before deciding what person suited each role the best in our opening, we felt it was best to interview a few people for each role to see who would suit it best. These are the people we thought suited the role and people who didn't suit it.

The part of Kai will be played by Craig Burton, Craig is a good choice for this role as he is confident in front of camera and is able to follow instruction without any problems.

Kai plays the part of a 17 year old student. He enjoys sports and spends most of his spare time on social media. Kai is main character in our film opening, Kai is a very confident up to no good character that gets into trouble but never gets caught.

The Part of Jermaine will be played by George Hales, George is a good choice for this role as he looks natural in front of camera as he is very confident. He will be able to follow instructions without any hassle.
Jermaine is a good friends of everyone in the film opening, unlike Kai, Jermaine is almost always studying at his hardest

The part of Jermaine could have been played by Jamie Butler, Jamie would of been a good choice for this role as he is confident in front of camera, however he is not able to follow instruction properly which makes its unsuitable to use Jamie in our cast

Evie is suitable for the part of Alisha as she has plenty of experience behind the camera and performing as she achieved a C grade in drama in her GCSE's. Evie is a good choice for this role as she is confident in front of the camera and is more than capable of following instructions.

Alisha is the part of a good working girl who just wants to help and assist people, a very thoughtful and genuine nice person

Ellie will be playing the part of Sarah as she is assertive In front of the camera and is more than able to follow instructions. Ellie is also a good choice for this role as she is very reliable in terms of doing the right job and being on time.

Sarah is the role of the good girl in the group of friends, she is effectively the brains and sense of the group. Sarah hates to get into trouble as she is an A grade student.

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