Monday, 7 December 2015

Planning - Location Planning For Your Opening

Before moving onto location planning we had to consider several factors on the places we decide to film, these factors consist of level of accessibility, space provided, appearance on the locations and if they were close to other buildings used in the upcoming shots. 

After a group discussion we decided that our opening school building was the most suitable location for use to film our opening, reason being is that it allowed everyone participating in our film to access the location with ease and it looked professional enough to be called a college in our film.

This shot shows the front of the school which will be used to give the audience a good look at what the college looks like from the outside, we chose this location as it was suitable in many ways such as, it was easily accessible by our group and actors, we had permission to film on the premises even at night and fits in well with all our planning.

If we were to choose a different school we would either not have permission as most of our actors don't attend the school or it would simply be harder to access in their spare time. The first shot of the school will be shot 1 from our storyboard.

We have chosen this location to be where the mystery room will be, as it is very secluded from the rest of the school, we felt that this would fit perfect with our storyboard as we would eventually need a location that contains less people and space, as it gives off a sense of being alone and far from help. We also felt that this location was more suited than others because it was the building that was furthest away from others. 

This location was better than the buccleuch suite because it was better equipped in terms of props for certain scenes and had a larger area for us to film.

We have chosen this corridor to be in our film because we felt that this gave a calm atmosphere to the school building and gave off the impression that everything was fine and no danger was in sight, this was also the best choice for us due to tight small space that other corridors had to offer and it was the connected to the same room that the majority of the opening will take place.

Another reason that this a good choice is because the area is not particularly used a lot, leaving our group the freedom of time to record more.

Regardless of this being the best corridor to record in we had no other choice as if we tried to use another corridor, match on action would lost due to the different locations that were used. This location will use shots numbers 4 to 6 and a few bits of dialogue are exchanged in this location
The two pictures below show the rooms in the sports pavilion, this is where the main event of the opening will take place. We felt that this was a great place to have as the mystery room as it as it had revolving doors for our character to open which has more suspense than opening a casual door, it was also one of the only rooms that looked like a professional classroom.

We think that this will be perfect for our film as it meets all our requirements. Other rooms still look professional but didn't have the equipment needed to make our opening have the same effect on the audience.

Using this would also give us a chance to include match on action at the corridor and this room were connected. This location will feature every shot from 7 and onwards as the main part of the film takes place here and will end in the last room.

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